Monday, December 26, 2011

California Realizations on Such a Winter's Day

1. I don't want to put aside the dancing/singing/acting business until I get the chance to be involved with the Cats musical again. Here's crossing fingers for 2012!

2. You know you're really in California when:
  • You spot a Jonas Brother in your rear view mirror, then do a double take when you realize he's actually driving the vehicle behind you
  • You get stuck behind an obnoxiously large pick up truck on the 710 freeway, and notice that there are huge blue balls dangling from the truck's rear license plate. ClASSy.
  • Your friend takes you to the most delicious vegan food you never knew wasn't "Real Food," and it's conveniently located near an ostentatiously named succession of blocks that go West from "Harvard" to "Yale" to "Stanford" 
  • What should have been a 25 minute commute becomes a two hour sojourn, and freeway detour signs send you into the heart of Compton (which is south of Central Los Angeles, and is also known as the home of some of more intense gangs than the Fast and Furious series could ever dream up)
3. Things do come full circle
  • Watching your first love become promiscuous is one of the most painful - yet valuable - experiences that a person can have. 
  • One day, many days after my own heart break began to heal, I  finally realized that I cannot change people. As my dad always says, "work toward acceptance, not approval."  
  • Rediscovering that place of enlightenment (aka the awareness of my inability to make anyone change, even if I SWEAR I am trying to help them) and staying in that place is a daily struggle.
  • Being a "solutions-based" thinker is not always the best approach one needs to solve a problem. Sometimes I just need to shut up and listen.
  • Slowly, I've learned that I must let the people I love live the way they want, so I can learn what I  really need.
  • For every one thing I do know, there exists an infinity of things I have yet to discover. Sometimes that is exciting. Sometimes it BLOWS.

But hey, shoot for the moon, and even if you miss, you'll still land among the stars, eh?

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