Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Down the Rabbit Hole

After disappearing for eight months at sea, I have returned, relatively unscathed. My new furniture is built, my clothes are unpacked, my land legs have returned, and all is almost right with the world once more.

Sadly, I've had to put dancing and auditioning on the back burner. I hit the ground running with a new job that began even before I finished my contract with Norwegian. There's a lot of performance involved, but I'm on a completely new type of stage...

While out at sea, a mysterious little white rabbit of a head hunter found me and offered me a job running a homeschool for a family here in New York. Supplemental tutoring is one thing I've been quite good at for many years, but designing and implementing my own curriculum? Hiring my own staff? Overseeing an educational model based in exploration to nourish a love of learning!? I was SO on board.

Yet, as often happens in life, I neglected the whole look before you leap paradigm. I've been back in the city nearly a month, and it's only today I've realized that I've been living almost primarily in an alternate universe, where mad tea parties are a real thing, except the tea is hand brewed by an 11 year old burgeoning chef, and instead of a door mouse, there's a hypoallergenic Dori dog. Instead of a rabbit hole, I've got a portal that looks remarkably like the front door of a gorgeous four story brownstone somewhere in Chelsea.

It's true, I can't go back to yesterday, because I was a different person then... but we may very well be all mad here.

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