What a day! I took off work this morning to audition for Brigadoon, Sleeping Beauty, and to go to my appointment at the Met Opera.
Luckily, Brigadoon and Sleeping Beauty were in the same building (different studios), but they were at the same time so I just had to pick one (Sleeping Beauty was in a janky dinner theatre in Ohio, versus Brigadoon national tour).
Hopefully I picked the right one, because I got called back from the epic ballet combination that was the Brigadoon first round (16 counts of 6, I kid you not... almost a minute, maybe a minute and a half of choreography!) The gorgeous and friendly director-choreographer asked me back to sing. Thanks to Mr. W, I had a completely novel take on "Little Bit in Love" from Wonderful Town. I was the very last person called back to sing, and she said I was lovely and asked if I could come back Wednesday at 10am. To which I of course responded: "Absolutely!"
By that time it was 1:15pm, and I was supposed to be at the Met at 1:30pm. I booked it to Lincoln Center from 54th and Broadway, and even got there early (was pretty sure I left one of my lungs back at Columbus Circle, given all my haste and unwillingness to take a cab).
Walking through the Met Opera stage door and into my costume fitting was one of the coolest experiences in recent memory. There were men in the corridors practicing their stage combat sequences, costumes from every show hanging on bars throughout the entire building, women singing arpeggios in the bathrooms, and without fail, a friendly, welcoming, happy face at every turn. I am so excited to work there - there is so much love and artistic integrity nourishing the place!
After making my way to the wardrobe room (bedazzled with sparkles and christmas lights and enough body forms for the makings of a thriller film), I had extensive measurements taken, filled out my employment paperwork, got my Met Opera access ID (eep!) and managed to make it back to work right as my shift was starting.
When it rains, it pours! As if my day hadn't been lovely enough (all the above, plus a perfectly temperate New York sunny day, 75 degrees), the nice liaison from Gilt Group said I had fabulous hair, and one of the principals gave some beautiful hydrangeas for my desk.
Here's crossing fingers and toes that my karmic balance holds out through Rockette auditions tomorrow and until after Wednesday's third round callback... I can't believe I'll be 23 on Friday!!
A Broadway Baby
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