Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Almost there!

If you're in New York in October and want to fill your Mozart quota for the fall, come see the Metropolitan Opera's production of Don Giovanni!

You might wonder why that particular opera. Well... in the wake of hiring my first personal trainer yesterday (my bum is so mad at me this morning) and over-celebrating last night, I am just now finding time to write the best news I've gotten in a while:

Yesterday, in the middle of feeling a bit glum (yet another day of being at work instead of dancing), I was notified that I have been cast in the Metropolitan Opera's 2011-2012 production of Don Giovanni at Lincoln Center!

I couldn't be more excited or grateful for the opportunity to be back on a stage, doing what I love. It's a tiny part and the opera doesn't start rehearsals until September, yet I am awash with hope and optimism - completely re-energized in my zeal for auditioning.

Given the wonky weather, my irascible back, and doing non-dance work full time, I've been in a bit of a funk. But this news makes everything that has happened in the past year seem worthwhile. I might actually be able to achieve my loftiest of goals if I just keep at it!

I know a lot of people, myself included, who have been given a hard time for being [too] hopeful, happy, and/or optimistic. I have to admit that the combination of naysayers and the nature of rejection in this industry almost began to convince me that my outlook was unrealistic. That I should focus on more stable career options.

For anyone who ever doubts themselves like I have over the past few months, just remember, you never know how close you are to achieving your goals, so you CAN'T give up!

Walt definitely had some character flaws. However, one wonderful thing he accomplished was to create a company that taught me that dreams really do come true, especially if you're willing to do a little work to make sure. As corny as that is, I stick by Disney's main mantra wholeheartedly. Now, I know I've got my sights set absurdly high, but my Broadway Mecca is only about 20 blocks away from Lincoln Center....

I can't help but feel like I'm so close; I'm almost there!!

"Almost there" (Disney's Princess and the Frog)


  1. Yah! Congratulations! Can't wait to catch up! :)

  2. It's a wonderful thing to see your friends succeed! Congratulations!

  3. That's awesome Laura! Congratulations!
