Goal: Sneak out on my lunch break in hopes that I could be seen at the Equity (union) audition for the new Becoming Chaplin workshop. I sang for the workshop's creative team on Monday (they were SO nice) and wanted to show them I could also dance.
Game Plan: My lovely namesake signed me up, I had a friend at work willing to cover me - every thing was arranged according to plan.
Foiled! Just as I was getting ready to leave, I got a text that the monitor had called all names much earlier than expected and closed the call. How swiftly and gleefully the winds of fortune upset my best laid plans! Yet some how, I'm not sad at all. In fact, I'm surprised to be relieved!
Lesson learned. Lately I've admitted to myself that it runs counter to my nature to give anything than the most energy and enthusiasm and effort I can muster to anything I commit to doing. Whether that is my survival job in PR, my teaching job at Kaplan, my personal fitness, my diet, my relationships. Sounds good in theory, especially to me. Yet with reality banging on my lifestyle's front door, I find it exorbitantly exhausting in practice.
To The Universe, The Victory. Some days, you just have to take a day to give your body some much needed rest & relaxation. If you don't, you may just find that circumstances will force you to do so, for your own good.
There are so few factors that can be controlled for in this life. You can do everything in your power to make the impossible happen, and some days it even works! Other days, like this morning for me, your desired outcome couldn't be farther away from what the universe deigns to give you. I find myself rationalizing away some missed opportunities with the ever popular "it happens for a reason" mantra, but whether you rationalize, accept, or lament an outcome, there is nothing to be done but move forward. For who can tell what plan - if any - there may be for us?
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