Wake up, go to gym to take spin class, audition for Disney cruise lines, super healthy lunch, work a modeling gig, tutor two tiny humans, return home, super healthy dinner, fall dead asleep.
Wake up at 6am to go to gym for morning Pilates and yoga, go back in for Disney cruise lines (always a jolly joy this time of year... sarcasm aside the people running the call seem quite genuinely kind and more importantly - thoroughly on top of it), eat salad, tutor two tiny humans, make lentil dish, 7pm call time at Met Opera for Don Giovanni, field distress call from one slightly less tiny human whose shameful college counselor made him think he is not good enough to get into the colleges he has applied to (this young man happens to be one of the brightest PEOPLE not to mention 17 year olds I've ever met... what is WRONG with some educational professionals?) return home, fall dead asleep.
Struggle out of bed, dance for Jersey Boys on Broadway, sing for Zorro (coming to Broadway), come back to dance for Zorro, smack my quads so intensely during the epic flamenco number that I break blood vessels, sing for Zorro again, eat pasta with asparagus and sausage, tutor one tiny human, wrap some Christmas presents, eat salad, have sleep over with the lovely Reanna Wilborn.
Wake up at 6am to escort the lovely Reanna Wilborn to her illustrious personal training position at the Carlyle hotel, go to gym for morning Pilates and yoga, go back to Disney to dance, healthy lunch, go to Trader Joes for groceries, tutor two tiny humans, have Shake Shack dinner with last family of the evening (not so healthy), get home early, go to sleep at 10pm like an old lady.
Wake up well rested for the first time all week, banana, get DESTROYED in a work out session with my new trainer, go back to Trader Joes because I need stuff to bake holiday stuffs for my tutoring clients, tutor two tiny humans, have holiday date night at Danji (mmm Korean) with Anna, and end the night with fond, knowing glances toward starry eyed tourists at the Rockefeller Tree, and genuine awe at the INCREDIBLE De Beers window lights and Bergdorf Follies holiday window displays on Fifth Avenue.
Fabulous darling look at all the feathers!
Sleep four hours before seeing a matinee of the Hobbit (not to be viewed sans slight buzz, I didn't and wiiiiish I did), brunch with fwend at my favorite spot in West Village, napped briefly, went to the Met for call time at 7pm, just now steamed, stretched and semi hobble-hopped into bed. Of course I can't sleep yet with all the adrenaline and chocolate truffles in my system.
In summary:
Instead of waiting for life to happen, I'm happening to life. Resolutions of 2013! Hyper healthy weekdays where I work out every day and eat well consistency, Substances-allowed Saturdays, and Sleeping in Sundays are definitely presenting some yields already.
Lastly, it's been a grim week news-wise, so I'm borrowing this happy maker from my friend Jon:
Here's one of my favorites:
You can watch the full story here.